Attention Patients: Please respect social distancing recommendations by remaining in your vehicle and calling 757-340-8805 to check in for your appointment. A staff member will further assist you. Thank you!

Your Toothbrush Has Come a Long Way to Keep Your Teeth and Gums Healthy

Your toothbrush is one of the most important tools you have in your home to keep your pearly whites healthy and beautiful. Used properly twice a day, your toothbrush will help you ward off tooth decay, gum disease and even bad breath. Its job in your daily oral hygiene kit is vital because unchecked gum disease is one of the... read more »

Good Oral Health Starts in the Home and Continues With Great Dental Care

Good oral health is essential for a healthy smile. The mouth is home to colonies of microorganisms like bacteria and viruses, and when controlled by daily brushing and flossing, your oral health can thrive. Conversely, consuming a high sugar diet that feeds the bad bacteria creates harmful acids that erode your tooth enamel and lead to cavities. It also happens... read more »

Dental Emergencies During Social Distancing and Coronavirus Restrictions

At London Bridge Smiles, we will always strive to keep our patients and staff healthy, and at this time, we are following recommendations to restrict our hours and services in order to be proactive and help flatten the infection curve, preventing the spread of COVID-19.   We appreciate your understanding and kindly ask for your patience as our receptionists work... read more »

Celebrate Healthy Teeth and Gums With Healthy Foods and Drinks

Upcoming holidays are around the corner, and you’re probably already thinking of all the foodie goodness coming your way. November is Good Nutrition Month, so you might want to consider adding healthy options to your meals to maintain good oral and general health and wellbeing. The goal of our dental practice is to help you keep your teeth healthy, strong... read more »

October is National Dental Hygiene Month: Brushing, Flossing and More!

Happy October, everyone! It’s one of the spookiest seasons of the year, and one of the scariest things we can think of is having problems with our teeth and gums. Since October is National Dental Hygiene Month, we want to promote a healthy mouth for everyone by acknowledging the importance of your daily hygiene efforts. Healthy teeth and gums are... read more »

Does Dry Mouth Lead to Tooth Decay?

Did you know that those who suffer from dry mouth are more susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease? Since the process of digestion begins in the mouth, saliva production is necessary to keep the pH level of the mouth from being too acidic. A lack of saliva can reduce the amount of protection your teeth have from cavities. Dry... read more »

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