At London Bridge Smiles, our orthodontist, Dr. Alan Kessler and our team are pleased to help our patients in Virginia Beach, Virginia, straighten their teeth and create the healthy smile they deserve. Today we would like to share just a little bit about how to care for your smile while you wear braces. Oral hygiene is crucial for a healthy,... read more »
The sight of a young person with a mouthful of metal braces is not uncommon. However, many adults are thinking about straightening their smiles, and may not like the look and feel of traditional braces. And to be honest, most people’s lives are busier than ever before, and many people may not just have the time to clean and maintain... read more »
Are you displaying signs of halitosis, also referred to as bad breath? If so, treatment for the condition depends on what is causing it. Bad breath is often caused by bacteria, oral health ailments, or even underlying conditions deep within your body. Speak with your healthcare professional to determine the root cause of your bad breath. Is your bad breath... read more »
Sugarless gum: is it good for your oral health or not? Science gives pretty clear indicators that except for those who have TMJ or other jaw problems, it does actually improve the state of your mouth. Here are some facts about how gum can help you have a healthy smile: -When chewed for at least 20 minutes after a meal,... read more »
Water flossing is an interdental oral health care treatment method that can routinely clean between your teeth. It is often compared to threaded dental floss because of its ability to remove food particles and residue quickly and easily from between teeth. Water flossers are revolutionary interdental cleaners built to function like traditional dental floss, but instead of using thread to... read more »
Baby teeth are the cute little chompers that pop into place and help your child eat, talk, and smile. Even though they eventually fall out of the mouth, they serve many purposes. To help you know more about baby teeth so you can better understand your child’s smile, Dr. Alan Kessler and our dental team are happy to give you... read more »
Is your toothbrush becoming an obstacle to a great smile? If your toothbrush is contaminated or heavily worn, your entire mouth will suffer. When you want to keep your teeth clean and clear of dangerous debris and bacteria, you can always count on brushing. A better smile awaits with some extra toothbrush tips. The key to understanding toothbrush treatments includes... read more »
TMJ disorder symptoms often include a dull ache in the muscles in front of the ears, or temples. It is often associated with discomfort when biting down, clicking or a locking up of the temporomandibular joints. This can have a significant negative impact your quality of life. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms or you have had other... read more »
A common problem we see all too often at London Bridge Smiles is that of gum disease. Gum disease is the inflammation of the gum tissue, which could cause harm to your teeth and even the bones that support them. One of the biggest causes of gum diseases is the buildup of plaque on your teeth. Even though plaque is... read more »
Oral cancer is a severely debilitating disease that is found in over 42,000 new patients every year in the United States. One of the most important facts to remember about cancer is that success often relies on finding the disease at its earliest stages. Always being mindful of your current oral health status can help you identify symptoms that may... read more »