Attention Patients: Please respect social distancing recommendations by remaining in your vehicle and calling 757-340-8805 to check in for your appointment. A staff member will further assist you. Thank you!

Quiz Yourself with our Dental Trivia!

School may be out, but there's never a bad time to test and refresh your dental IQ.  Determine if the following 10 statements are true or false:   1.) Bleeding gums are normal after brushing or flossing your teeth. TRUE or FALSE? . . . . . Answer:  False.  If your gums bleed regularly, make an appointment with your dentist. ... read more »

Orthodontics is More than Straightening Teeth

Orthodontics may at first seem very intimidating due to many factors such as social pressure, thoughts of metal wire in your mouth, or changing your smile altogether. But we’re here to tell you that orthodontics can help you get the straighter smile you need and want. And, it’s not only about appearance – changing your alignment benefits your health too!... read more »

Don’t Take Summer Vacation from Oral Health

Ahhh, summer vacation:  a time to relax, unwind, and cast your cares away!  Fun in the sun means spending time with family, going to the beach, attending weddings, cookouts, and reunions.  Warm months are perfect for spending time with those we love, but don’t let the time get away from you when it comes to your dental health. Especially for kids,... read more »

We’re Getting a New Office!

Coming this Fall: We will be moving our practice into a newer, larger facility as of October 1, 2018. This new office will be located just 2.3 miles from our current location!  The address will be 1635 Laskin Road, Virginia Beach, located across from Hilltop North and directly across from No Frill Grill. We are excited to make this upgrade... read more »

The Wonders of Sleep Apnea Prevention and Care

Are you aware of the risks associated with sleep apnea and every potential condition that could give rise to it? Because sleep apnea is such a complex condition in which an individual has breathing patterns interrupted while they sleep, it is important to be aware of potential risk factors and receive treatments as soon as possible. If sleep apnea goes... read more »

Content Smiles: Hazards in Your Diet

Tooth hazards exist in all areas of our life. Although several of them can give rise to oral accidents and injuries that you may have little control over, there are issues that you can’t always change. To ensure your smile has the best chance of health success both now and in the future, be aware of tooth hazard risks in... read more »

Detect Oral Cancer in the Earliest Possible Stage

April is Oral Cancer Awareness month. Approximately 45,000 new cases are diagnosed per year in the US, and risk is increasing with the spread of HPV. Finding this disease in it’s earliest stages is the best chance for successful treatment.  How common is oral cancer? Oral cancer includes cancers of the lips, tongue, floor of the mouth, cheeks, throat (pharynx),... read more »

Improve Your Oral Health with Mouthwash

In order to help your mouth and smile remain healthy throughout your life, it’s a good idea to always look for new ways to improve your oral hygiene routine by using new and effective teeth-cleaning products. One of the products you may choose to use is mouthwash. However, it’s important to note that not all mouthwash products are the same.... read more »

How Illness Affects Your Oral Health

If you have ever had a cold or flu, or even severe allergies, then you know how taxing it can be on your body. When we are sick, oftentimes we think about how to get better, while letting oral health slide. As a result, you become more susceptible to cavities and gum disease, which is why our dentists, Drs. Alan Kessler... read more »

What Is Invisalign and What Can It Do for Me?

Invisalign is a discreet and effective system used to straighten your teeth.  Invisalign provides cosmetic benefits as well as health benefits by improving your bite and your smile.  Many people do not like the look and feel of traditional braces, and don’t have the time for the maintenance of keeping metal braces clean.  Invisalign allows you to continue enjoying your... read more »

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